I'll tackle some and give ideas and little insight as well, (credit to Dyno for coming up with the list). I'll stick using only existing cards as best I can.
Buzzsaw (90s) - Blockbuster Brohan - Whole New Feud (based off Warrior's short lived run against Hollywood Hogan in the 90s)
Buzzsaw (Blade Blaster) - Hard to match up as they lasted so little. Granted they feuded with Dibiase (Mr. Tycoon) but we'd still need a Dr. Death Steve Williams equivalent)
Chicano (Main Event) - Ace of Spades - My Yard Now (based off Austin short feud with Razor in 02)
Cletus Mullet - Waldo the Dweeb - Ginger vs Ginger
Crash - If you could throw in a Race Car driver gimmick....maybe Bob Holly's Sparky Plugg lol.
Devin van Winkle - Pelvis Las Vegas - No Shoes Blues
Dizzy Lixx (90s) - Zombie Skater - Evil Twins Fight (base off Manson's feud with Rob Zombie...I know...a stretch)
Dr. B (Heel) - Max Power - Clubbin & Rockin (very loose allusion to Rocky 3)
Enormous Pierre - O'Hooligan - Brains vs Brawn (based off Rowdy Piper making fun of Andre on Piper's pit)
Exotic Rick (80s) - Would need someone based off Paul Orndorff in the 80s.
Grand Manga (80s) - No idea whatsover
HFK (Main Event) - VTC (upper midcard) - Good Friends Bitter Enemies (although the feud really took place late 02)
Jacko Pop - I wanna make a really bad joke here....need a Concerned Parent Gimmick
Jet Set Strutter (Legendary) - Blockbuster Brohan - All The Kings Horses (based off their feud in WCW)
Kezzif - Red Pirate Rogers - Sportsmanlike - Ref to Princess Bride and how the fight was proposed.
Lazer (Blade Blaster) - Hard to match up as they lasted so little. Granted they feuded with Dibiase (Mr. Tycoon) but we'd still need a Dr. Death Steve Williams equivalent)
Lil Thuggee - Zen - My Shiny Stone (both wanted a shiny stone in their respective franchises)
Local Talents 1-4 (Here you'd need this to be tag team feud cos there would be too many permutations for 1-1...call it Bathroom Break)
Magnifico (Midcard) - Grand Manga 90s - Flight of the Cruiserweights (based off Mysterio vs Liger matches in the 90s)
Magnus Muscle (80s) - Troglo(80s) - Beefy Brawl
Magnus Muscle (90s) - Cabb(90s) - Break It!
Massacre - Beer Can Man - Smokers Inc.
MC Frosty - 2-Zap - Beating the Rap
Moon Man (White Suit) - Death Star Boy - Space Race
Moon Man (Orange Suit) - Pop King - Moon Walk War (although this would make for a better tag team Moon Walkers)
Ninja Shadow - Warhawk - Guns vs Knives (loosely off Gi-Joe vs Stormshadow)
O'Hooligan (80s Face) - Mandonna - Kilt and Kaboodle (based off the Piper v Adonis feud in the late 80s)
O'Hooligan (90s) - Blockbuster Brohan - Resettle the Score (they feuded in WCW in the 90s)
Papa Chopper - (Would really need a Mad Max character)
Pat Cabbage - Haka Tonga - Stepping on Toes (both are barefoot
Pelvis Las Vegas - Done with Devin Van Winkle
Power Boy - Would really need a Bandai villain
Power Racer - Would really need a Bandai villain
Robolectro 2000 - Vladimir the Cruel - Ghost and The Machine
Skeleskreem - Penny Dreaful - Scary Movies (based of the phonecall in Scream)
Slashmaster - Average Guy - Dream v Nightmare
Slashmaster (Alt) - Ace Arcadium - In 3D Now (loosely on Freddy's Dea the Final Nightmare cos of Ace's glasses lol)
Slugger Johnson - The Blitz - America's Favorite Pastime
Valyrie (vs Males) - Silvergod - Topsy Turvy
VTC (No Jacket) - The Hunk - Two Words Smell
Zeke Mullet - Overload - Weight Watchers
Zombie Punk - Ace Arcadium - Save the Neighbor (based loosely off Zombies Ate My Neighbors)